Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Recommendations Wednesdays

I know that I usually pass along my recommendations on Wednesdays, but believe it or not, I am actually a day ahead of myself-is that possible you ask, well, yes, today it is true.

All of this information is somewhat random, but it is all really good stuff to know, especially in these tough financial times:

1. Supermarket Sweep-If you are looking to save money at the market, look really high or really low on the shelves, NOT at eye level. Apparently that is the most coveted place on a supermarket shelf and the one that costs more to rent. Because the space is so valuable and the one that people look at first and most frequently, grocers stock it with the more expensive items. In short, if you are looking to pinch a few pennies on a specific item, look at the top shelves or the bottom shelves because that is where they hide the less expensive brands and the sale items. Last week I tested this tip out, as I do with all of my tips and recommendations, and I was blown away by the price difference in something as basic as Macaroni and Cheese.

2. Ditch That Bleach-In addition to being toxic and harmful, bleach is also a lot more expensive than a basic bottle of 3% peroxide, which costs about $1.00 per bottle at your local drugstore. Think of all the things that you use bleach for and replace it with peroxide. Want to keep your toilets clean or your counter tops germ free? Use peroxide instead of bleach-it's not toxic and it kills germs just as well as its toxic counterpart.

Still not a believer? Are you old school and still thinking that "nothing cleans and sanitizes like bleach"? Well if you are........ lets put it into perspective for you. Did you know that you can gargle with peroxide every night, instead of mouthwash, and that your teeth will be sparkling white and all your canker sores will be gone? Would you ever gargle with bleach?

Need more convincing? Ever had a really bad cold and stuffed up sinuses? Hello, can you say this past winter? Mix equal parts water and peroxide and spray it into your nostrils, one at a time. After a few snot bubbles and a nose blow, your nose will be less clogged and all the bacteria in your nasal passages will be dead. Who among us snorts bleach? C'mon, you know you want to test the magical powers of peroxide, and I encourage you to do so.

Your house and body will be germ free, not polluted with toxic bleach and there will be no nasty lingering bleach smell to cover up, plus you will save a bunch of money!!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009


For this Friday's tips and good information, I wanted to pass along the title of a GREAT book.
The book is called Healing the New Childhood Epidemics- Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies By Kenneth Bock, M.D.

My son has asthma, manifested in the form of a constant unproductive hacking cough, and my sister-in-law turned me on to this book and I am so happy that she did.

Bock is a world renowned doctor specializing in the treatment of children with these 4-A disorders. This book is well-written and very easy to read. It is not like your average encyclopedic text book that just confuses you more than before you began reading. It documents real cases of these disorders in patients that Dr. Bock treated and healed, so you know his methods work.

The book is clear and flows so easily you almost feel like you are reading a novel.
If your children have any of these disorders, it is worth reading this book just for the extra knowledge and insight that it provides.

Check this insightful book out and tell your friends about it as well. Other moms will thank you.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Well, it's almost upon us-Mother's Day is this Sunday so if you have not already made plans to honor your mother then read the following suggestions for ways to let your mother know how much you appreciate everything she does for you. For all those husbands out there looking for a nice way to honor your wife, the mother of your children, then read on because there are some tips for you too.

There are many ways to say thank-you for all the wonderful things you do without spending a lot of money. Here are a few:

1. Let Mommy sleep in. If you have small children, get up early with them so that Mom can catch some extra zzzzz's. This doesn't cost you anything, but it is the best gift ever for an overtired Mommy, which let's be honest, all Moms are.

2. Make Mommy breakfast. In my house, I just enjoy getting up and finding that someone else other than me has made the coffee for the day. Its one less thing that I have to do and so nice to wake up to. Food would be an absolute delight and icing on the cake.

3. Buy your wife flowers or something small like a pedicure or a manicure. All of these items can be purchased for about $20 and they will all really brighten up Mommy's day. Plus, if Mommy gets to go and get the pedicure, she gets a little time to herself, which is another wonderful gift for any Mommy. Alone time is something everyone needs and deserves.

4. Buy Mommy some bath beads or perhaps a salt scrub (Trader Joe's sells a really nice Lavender one for $7) and draw Mommy a bath. Put the kids to bed early, fill the tub, light some candles and poor Mommy a glass of wine. Welcome to relaxation-ville.

5. Other nice gifts are things that come directly from your kids so if they can make Mommy a special picture or pasta necklace, great. If they are too young for that, take a picture of them and have it put onto a coffee mug or a t-shirt. Again, these items all cost less than $20.

6. Send a heartfelt card with a list of all the things you love and thank your mother for.

Above all else, love and hug your Mother or wife on Mother's day and let her know how much she means to you. Remember that Mommy is the reason you are here and there is no other love like that of your Mother. It is true what they say-no one will ever love you like your Mommy does.

Happy Mother's Day to all.