Monday, October 13, 2008

Nesting, Resting and Stressing

With only 7 weeks left until my second baby arrives on December 4th, I have finally begun to hit that wall at the end of my pregnancy. You all know that wall-the one where you are trying to finish up the nesting portion of your pregnancy, but you are often sidetracked by the resting that your body now requires.

I have also added a third dimension to this phase-Stressing-which is partly from being overtired and partly from just worrying that everything will not get done in time.

My wonderful husband keeps on reminding me that its okay if everything does NOT get done prior to the baby's arrival and that it is more important for me to rest than it is for me to stress.

I know that he is right, but it's still hard because I am frustrated that my bursts of energy are dwindling and that everyday I feel like I accomplish fewer and fewer tasks on my to do list.

I guess I will just have to take my husband's advice and make shorter to do lists because "banking" my sleep until the baby's arrival really is the most important thing at this point.

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