Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Jumping In

I have been talking about starting a blog of my own since I was pregnant with my first child. It always seemed like there was never an ideal time to start a blog and before I could motivate to actually put my fingers to the keyboard I would get distracted by one of life's many tasks.

My initial hesitation was based solely on fear-what would my blog be about? What could I possibly have to say that other people would want to hear or read about? I guess I really didn't want to get started blogging until I felt like I had a purpose or direction for my posts so I let it be for a while- letting the idea come and go in and out of my mind like a recurring dream.

Now pregnant with my second child ,I had an epiphany that changed my mind for me. I was standing in my kitchen one night cleaning up after dinner when I was called it- Mom Machine- for the first time. A single friend of my husband's was staying with us for a few weeks while his place was renovated and he watched me night after night feed, bathe, and put my son to bed before preparing dinner for the adults. Promptly after finishing dinner I would clear the plates, load the dishwasher, and clean up the kitchen. I did all of these things ritualistically because they were habits, but they were also the way I concluded my evening; a way for me to wind down. I never felt like I could relax until the kitchen was clean. He was amazed at how on top of things I was and he said so. It never really struck me that I was any different from all the other SAHMs and parents across America but he insisted that I was.

After he called me Mom Machine it all hit me. I was ready to jump in and start blogging. I had a purpose for my blog. Not only do I want to share with other readers out there what it is like to balance work, family, a home life, and a marriage all at once, but I want to help other people learn to find that balance. Hopefully by reading about what is working for me at my home, other parents will be inspired to find the balance they are seeking in their own homes.

I am overly organized-almost to a fault sometimes-but I feel that I can juggle so many tasks and other peoples' needs all at once, without losing my own sanity in the process, because I am organized and I have taken the time to write down and keep track of some of the amazing tips and tricks I have developed and learned over the years.

Keep in mind that things get hectic and crazy at my house also-my son does cut teeth and get cranky and my bulldog does have anxiety problems and she occassionally pukes on the carpet if she gets too upset- but I hope to help keep myself on task with maintianing my life's balance through writing this blog and I hope to pass along some useful information to other parents dealing with some of the bumps in the road we all affectionately call PARENTHOOD.

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