Monday, November 24, 2008

Its been too long

It has been so long since I have posted a blog that I hope I remember how to do this. I apologize for my slacking, but things have been extra crazy at the Butas household as we enter the final countdown phase for baby two's arrival-only ten more days!

In addition to forgetting how much it sucks towards the end of pregnancy (everything hurts and I am tired, but sleeping totally escapes me most days and nights) we have been fighting off a series of nasty viruses that have left all of us, at one point or another, either hanging over a toilet or bed ridden.

Here are a few tips for the holiday season, which is already in full swing, to keep you healthy and to help you mind your budget.

1. Make sure you wipe off your purse and diaper bag at least once a week with some type of sanitizer. It is amazing how many germs can collect on the bottom of your bags when you put them down on the floor at the mall and at restaurants etc. Be sure to clean the straps and the underside of the bag. Also be sure to get the zippers and buckles because germs love to hide there also. When you are at the mall or another public place, try to hang your bag from hooks or place it on a spare chair instead of the floor which tends to be the most germ infested place of all.

2. For holiday shopping this year many people may be thinking of buying gift cards for friends and family. These items are still great gifts, but make sure that the gift cards will be honored after the holidays, because many stores are set to close and go out of business for good right after this holiday season. For example, all Talbot's, Ann Taylor's Pacific Sun, and Eddie Bauer stores are set to close their doors after Christmas so they are trying to get rid of all their merchandise, which means they are having great sales now, but it also means that they will not be around come January 1 if you have a gift card to cash in.

3. To help manage your money this holiday season and to not overspend, get a bunch of white envelopes and write one person's name on the outside of each envelope. Put the amount of money (in CASH) that you want to spend on that person's gift inside the envelope and write potential gift ideas for them on the outside of the envelope. This not only saves time and makes you a more efficient shopper, but paying for everything in cash with a designated amount for each person, helps prevent overspending.

Be safe, healthy and happy this holiday season. Please use these tips and tricks and pass them along to others.

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