Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Recommendation Wednesdays

Here is a little tip to help soothe your child's cough this winter.

After he gets out of the bath tub at night, rub Vick's Vapo Rub on his feet, instead of on his chest or back, then cover his feet with socks. The rub gets absorbed into the bloodstream faster through the feet than it does when placed on the chest or back and it will not make your child's eyes water.

This recommendation was passed along to me from my mother-in-law and I tried it and it REALLY works. The first time I did it, my son coughed less that night and the rub took effect faster (within minutes of application) than it did when rubbed onto his chest. Also, my son has very sensitive skin and avoiding putting the rub on his chest helped keep him scale and dry skin free.

This is one of those tips that may seem a little hokie or "out there" but believe me, it works. Combine it with a teaspoon of honey before your child (make sure it is safe to give your child honey, based on his age) goes to sleep and you will notice a reduction in coughing, congestion and night time wakings.

Have a healthy winter and pass this information along.

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