Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Now that the flu season has descended upon all of us-it reared its nasty head in my house last week-I think it is important that we all know how to deal with fevers.

According to my Pediatrician's office, a fever of anything below 104 degrees is considered to be moderate, not high. Nonetheless, I consider anything over 101 degrees to be worrisome, especially when it makes my 10 month old scream and cry. As always, with fevers it is important to focus on hydration. Keep your infant or toddler well hydrated with milk, formula, watered down juice, warm jello or Gatorade. Ice pops also work well if your child is adverse to eating anything.

It is important to keep your child in appropriate clothing as well to help regulate her body temp. Make sure your home is not overly hot or cold, and that windows are not open and blowing cold air on your sick baby. Since virus and infections can sometimes cause skin rashes as well, try to dress your child in clean, dry clothing that is 100% cotton and not abrasive to the touch to maintain comfort.

Luke warm, or tepid baths are good to help relax the child and calm her down before naps or bedtime, but skip the bubbles which can cause skin irritation or dryness. Make sure that the bath is not too cold, because if it is, the child will get the chills, which can cause a fever to shoot up, not come down. If you are fearful of getting water in the ears and possibly causing ear infections or the chills, fill a basin with warm water and sit the baby on a towel in the bathroom in a diaper. Gently swab the baby with a wash cloth doused in the warm water. This way you can focus on the back of the neck, tummy and arms and legs, without having to pour water over the baby's head and risk getting it in her eyes or ears.

Lastly, do not wait for the first virus of the season to hit your house. Prepare NOW. Stock up on juice, Baby Tylenol, saline nose drops, tissues, a bulb syringe, a humidifier and anything else you think you will need to fight the fever or flu this season.

If the flu or a fever do hit your home, change sheets, mop floors, vacuum carpets, dust, sanitize baby toys, pacifiers, and anything else that your baby was around, such as her favorite blanket or stuffed friend. Wipe down all door knobs in the home, the phone, TV remote, car keys, diaper bag and your purse to prevent the spread of infection. 

Above all else-WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!!

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