Monday, October 5, 2009

The Incredible Edible Egg

These are really quick and easy omelets and the best part is that they are fun to make so kids love them. Also, you can make a lot of different kinds of omelets all at the same time when using this method, which is perfect for a brunch buffet or bridal shower luncheon when you need to cook 10 different omelets all at the same time! 

Give it a try, you won't be disappointed, you will be amazed.

What you will need: ( These ingredients and supplies make one omelet)
2 eggs, or egg substitute
1 quart sized Ziploc freezer bag
Assorted omelet ingredients-veggies, cheese, herbs, meats etc.

1. Write your name with a permanent marker on the outside of a Ziploc freezer bag.
2. Fill the freezer bag with two cracked eggs, close the bag and shake it to combine the eggs.
3. Add as many ingredients as you choose, and close the bag and shake it again to mix everything together.
4. Open the bag and get all of the excess air out and reseal it.
5. Place all Ziploc bags into a pot of boiling (rolling bubbles) water for exactly 13 minutes. One large pot can cook 6-8 omelets at a time. If you are cooking more than 8 omelets, use an additional pot.
6. Remove bags after 13 minutes and open the Ziploc bag. Your perfect omelet will roll right out onto the plate for you to enjoy!

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