He is careful to be upbeat and pay extra attention to me while doing things around the house without having to be asked. Now anytime a husband picks up the slack around the house (or at least in my house) it is for one of two reasons-he wants something from you (can I go away with the guys for a week and leave you home to work and care for the kids and puking dog???) or he fears you (will my wife actually crack and send the dog to live on a farm???) and what you might do. Either way, I was taught to always be grateful when people help you out, especially if they do it of their own free will.
Let me now share with you the two wonderful things that my husband has recently done to "help" me out around the house. I always make the coffee in the morning. Maybe it is because I am more obsessed with drinking the coffee than my husband or maybe because the kitchen and food in general is my domain, or maybe it is because my husband makes terrible coffee because he doesn't use a measuring cup or spoon of any kind, he just dumps in some water and some grounds-ONLY A MAN WOULD DO THAT, or maybe it is because when I rarely sleep in he can only deal with the kids not the coffee, dishes, feeding of the dog etc. Regardless, my husband decided to make the coffee one day because he got up earlier than me and the kids-his heart was in the right place, but things didn't go as planned.
You see I had gotten on a time saving kick in an effort to make my mornings less hectic and stressful, so even though we don't have a timer on the coffee pot, I had started loading the water and grinds into the pot the night before so that all I had to do was push the button in the morning. I even thought to myself that I should remind Aras of my plans both verbally, which I did, and in writing-I put a large note in front of the pot that read: LOADED-JUST TURN ON in an effort to keep him updated and to prevent possible disaster.
Following his heart of good intentions and trying to be a sweet, good husband, Aras forgot to read and completely missed the note stuck to the coffee pot. As a result the coffee pot basically exploded all over the counter since it had been LOADED TWICE. Not only did this make a huge mess (Aras cleaned it up before I got to it) but Aras bastardized my good pot of coffee with his crappy pot of coffee. From now on I think it is best for me to ask for Aras' help when and if I need it so that at the very least I can specify what I want done.
The second incident also involved my beloved husband and my beloved kitchen. I noticed that the dishes were really spotty and dirty and I was beginning to worry that our dishwasher was on its last legs. I was pulling cereal bowls out of the cabinet in the morning that still had two day old mac and cheese residue on them-yuck. So I pre-rinsed more and scrubbed dishes a little harder for a week or so with no better results. I added jet dry and changed our dish detergent, cursing myself for straying from my brand and buying the cheap stuff just because it was on sale.
The other day I walked into the kitchen as Aras was unloading the dishwasher and lo and behold I solved the dirty dishes mystery and it was not the dishwasher that was defective, but my husband. Aras had been putting the individually wrapped Cascade tablets into the dishwasher every night, but he was not removing the tablets from their plastic wrapper-HELLO?
When I asked him about it, he looked at me with surprise-Oh, you have to take the plastic off those things? They don't just dissolve on their own in the dishwasher?
I turned on my heels without responding and started to leave the kitchen, but first I checked the coffee pot to make sure that it was intact, opened the cabinet, took out a dirty mug and poured myself some coffee.
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