Friday, January 23, 2009


Oh my sweet blog, how I have missed you. I have longed to sit in front of my computer and vent (aka write) about my recent mommy meltdowns, but there has been no time these days. The baby has reflux so we are anxiously waiting for her zantac meds to kick in so that the screaming will stop and my toddler has a cold that has been hanging on for about three weeks now. It's not enough to give him a fever or keep him home from school, but it is enough to make him a fussy eater and subject to toxic nuclear meltdowns because he is cranky. To top off this wonderful situation the dog has been feeling neglected again so she has been making herself vomit in order to get attention-FABULOUS!

In a most recent episode of "my crazy life with two under two," I had a fun filled night yesterday that involved the baby screaming from her reflux -she had to be put down momentarily so that I could assist Bruno in the tub with his nightly bath, during which he took a big SHIT in the tub-AWESOME. While tending to my screaming and pooping kiddies, the dog felt under appreciated and vomited bile all over my dining room rug for the finale.

So on that note, I want to share my TGIF with you. When you experience nights like I did yesterday-and believe me, you will, because we all do- be happy that you know of places like Trader Joe's. This unique grocery store, as their mantra claims, does offer some great food options that you cannot find at a conventional grocery store like the Safeway or Giant. Trader Joe's has a lot of pre-packaged dinners and food items in the back cooler that are a lot more interesting than roasted chicken and their frozen items are excellent as well. Another great thing about Trader Joe's is that their organic products, like meats and even name brand items, like Kashi cereals, are cheaper than they are at supermarkets and Whole Foods.

Items To Try:

1. Trader Joe's Frozen Mac n' Cheese-This is a great late night dinner for your husband or something filling to feed the kiddies when you don't feel like cooking separate meals for each kid.

2. Apple Crushers-this is applesauce that is squeezed out of a packet. It requires no spoon and is mess free. Plus my kid loves the carrot flavored one and it is great for school lunches, not to mention much cheaper than the version they sell at Whole Foods.

3. Nuts by the Handful-These individual packets contain a 200-calorie snack of almonds or some kind of nut and dried fruit. I keep packets of these in the car, in my office and in my purse.

4. Lentils-These are the kind that are ready to heat and serve and can be found in the produce section. An awesome source of fiber and protein, my toddler even eats these. Definitely worth a try.

5. Grapefruit Sea Salt Scrub-This is a nice at home indulgence for over-worked mommies who don't have time to go to the spa (ha, ha, ha, isn't that ALL mommies everywhere?). The oil in this scrub leaves your dry winter skin soft for days on end. It is worth the $5.

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