Monday, January 5, 2009

Poop there it is

There is nothing worse than walking into your child's nursery and discovering that he or she has taken off their diaper and proceeded to paint the nursery and their body with their own poop-GROSS.

Unfortunately, most parents learn this lesson the hard way. For example, my husband put our 15 month-old son in his crib one time in the summer with nothing on but a diaper and a t-shirt. (What woman would ever do that? I can't think of one, but that is another blog entirely) Now in my husband's defense, I get it, it was hot and he didn't want Bruno to sweat, but Bruno had no onesie on to keep him from accessing his diaper. As a result Bruno filled said diaper with massive amounts of poop then proceeded to take the diaper off, paint his face with his own crap (much like a child from the Lord of the Flies movie) and throw the remainder of the poop along the nursery walls. My husband's solution was the same that many men have-duck tape the diaper on. (Again, what woman would do that?)

Well, let me recommend something more civil and less expensive. Take one pair of PJ's that have feet and zip up the front and cut the feet off completely. When your child naps or goes to sleep at night, put the footless PJ's on backwards with the zipper up the back and your child will never fling poop in the crib again, because they can't reach the zipper or take their diaper off on their own.

Also, if your child is playing with his or her own poop and taking their diaper off, it is also a sign that he or she is ready to start potty training.

Best of luck and may your walls be poop-free with this helpful tip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
